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Emerald Pearl and Black Galazy

Q. I have Emerald Pearl in my kitchen and Black galaxy in my bathroom. Both are dull not shiny. When you wipe them with a wet cloth they look GREAT as soon as they dry dull. I want them to look shiny like a sheet of glass How can I do this???

A. First, try using a little MB-13 Stone Polish, available at Stone Care Central, to 'dress up' your tops and see if it will give you the look you are after. It will add a little extra sheen and give a little protection from fingerprints, etc. If the dullness is caused by general use, this may do the trick.

If your countertops are dull because of other more complicated reasons, for example, using products not intended for natural stone for quite a while and the surfaces have been permanently dulled, then you will need to have them professionally polished. Polishing granite is not a DIY project. It is extremely difficult, even for some professionals. Professional stone restoration contractors must be properly trained in order to polish granite. I would recommend that you contact one of our prescreened and qualified PROS for an estimate.

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