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How do I remove a rust stain from my marble floor?

Q. How do I remove a rust stain on my marble floor?

A. Rust is one of the most difficult stains to remove from marble, granite and other stone surfaces. Many of the rust removers available in stores can damage stone. We have found a great method for removing rust stains. A product called IRON OUT is available from most home centers and hardware stores. This product is a white powder that is designed for removing iron from water softeners, but also works great for removing iron and other metal stains from stone.

To remove iron stains, mix one part IRON OUT to two parts poultice powder(or diatomaceous earth). Add water until you get a soupy consistency. Apply this mixture to the iron stain, cover with plastic and let it sit for 24 hours. After 24 hours remove the poultice. Repeat if necessary.

Fred Hueston
Chief Technical Director, SurpHaces

President, Stone Forensics