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How do I remove white stains from my black granite countertop?

Q. I have a black granite countertop that has white stains from what I believe to be olive oil. I thought it was lemon or tomato, however, checked it out on an extra piece, it is the oil. How do I get that up? It was sealed by the installer (about 2 years ago) and installer denies any culpability here. Says "doesn't have any idea what to do". I have stripped the sealer off and have another sealer to apply but would like to get the spots up first.

A. If your stain is lighter than the stone than it is an etch mark, which may require professional attention. If the etch is mild, you can't feel it with your fingertips, you may be able to remove it using a marble polishing agent. If it appears to be darker than the stone, it is a stain. Try applying a poultice. For instructions on how to create your own poultice, use our Stain Management App. For further reading download our free Stone and Tile Care Guide. You my want to contact a stone and tile restoration contractor. If you need a PRO, contact us