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I recently had a scratch removed from my stone, but now I see a divot. Can this be fixed?

Q. I recently had a scratch removed from my stone, but now I see a divot. Can this be fixed?

A. What happened is when the contractor removed the scratch, the diamond pad wasn't positioned flat and consequently left the divot. The good news is that it can be fixed, but the bad news is the cost will probably be more than it was to fix the scratch in the first place, because the whole area will have to be rehoned to a flat even surface, then polished. 

Stone and Tile PRO Partners are prescreened, qualified, and adhere to high quality standards, so mistakes like this are few and far between. You might try asking the contractor who removed the scratch to fix the divot at no extra charge and hope they don't do further damage in the process. Or you could cut your losses, play it safe, and have one of our PROS resolve the problem. If you would like to connect with one of our PROS, contact us