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Will A Hydrogen Peroxide Poultice Bleach New Caledonia Stone?

Q. Hi I need an orientation. I have a huge stain on my brand new granite from a drink that spilled overnight, it was a Starbucks dragon fruit mango refresher already diluted in some ice, but still in a pink color. The stain is brownish. Can I use the poultice made with flour and hydrogen peroxide on a new caledonia stone with out beaching the color? The hydrogen peroxide I have is the same one Dr. Fred used in the youtube video which has phosphoric acid in the formula. I really appreciate some guidance. Vanessa


A. You can safely use a peroxide poultice without bleaching the color out of your stone. You can also refer to our Stain Management App.  If you need to use the services of a SurpHaces PRO Partner, contact us.